Classics Book Club of NY


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Book Name Author Order Date Selector Restaurant
Meditations Marcus Aurelius 1   Mario Lynn's house
Mill on the Floss George Eliot 2   Lynn Lynn's house
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky 3   Randy Lynn's house
Rabbit Run John Updike 4 1/1/90   Lenge
The Red and Black Stendahl 5 4/11/91 Louise Lenge
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller 6 7/11/91 Ethan Cher
Nostromo Joseph Conrad 7 10/16/91 Larry Argentine Pavilion
House of Mirth Edith Wharton 8 12/12/91 Stanley Lynn's house
East of Eden John Steinback 9 3/18/92 Francine Lorango
The Sound and the Fury William Faukner 10 5/28/92 Ellen Sazerak House
Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 11 8/19/92 Ken Le Grenadin
Elmer Gantry Sinclair Lewis 12 12/8/92 Mario Seminary
Swann's Way Marcel Proust 13 4/1/93 Randy Chez Jacqueline
Mr. Sammler's Planet Saul Bellow 14 6/23/93 Louise Indian Pavilion
Giovanni's Room James Baldwin 15 10/13/93 Ethan Paris Commune
Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser 16 1/13/94 Stanley Naniwah
My Antonia Willa Cather 17 4/14/94 Larry Vasata
Erewhon Samuel Butler 18 6/23/94 Ellen Anglers & Writers
Frankenstein Mary Shelley 19 9/22/94 Francine Jekyl & Hyde
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 20 1/1/95 Lynn  
Shipping News E. Anne Proux 21 4/1/95 Bob Roeblings
Magic Mountain Thoman Mann 22 7/1/95 Ken  
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov 23 10/12/95 Mario Bienvenu
Dubliners James Joyce 24 1/11/96 Randy Landmark Tavern
Barchester Towers Anthony Trollope 25 4/30/96 Carey Waverly Inn
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carrol 26 7/25/96 Ethan Waverly Inn
All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren 27 10/10/96 Stanley Sazerak House
Lord Jim Joseph Conrad 28 12/11/96 Larry Penang Bar & Grill
The Music of Chance Paul Auster 29 3/6/97 Ellen Penang Bar & Grill
Portrait of a Lady Henry James 30 6/26/97 Louise L'oro de Napoli
100 Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez 31 10/16/97 Bob Caf� Espanol
Wise Blood Flannery O'Connor 32 12/11/97 Patricia Landmark Tavern
Stranger/Plague/Sisyphus Albert Camus 33 3/7/98 Ken  
Dr. Zhigavo Boris Pasternak 34 7/16/96 Mario Uncle Vayna
Set This House on Fire William Styron 35 10/11/98 Louise L'oro de Napoli
Ulysses James Joyce 36 5/13/99 Randy Ken's Office
Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 37 8/19/99   Trois Canards
What Makes Sammy Run Budd Schulberg 38 11/4/99 Ethan Algonquin Hotel
Love in the Time of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez 39 2/3/00 Francine Maya
Point of No Return John Marquand 40 5/10/00 Stanley  
Independent People Halldor Laxness 41 8/24/00 Patricia Peccavi
The Betrothed Allesandro Manzoni 42 1/18/01 Ellen Sal Anthony's
Moby Dick Herman Melvile 43 4/12/01 Bob Mario's Seafood
The Power and the Glory Graham Greene 44   Carey Rosa Mexicano
Texaco Patrick Chamoiseau 45 12/20/01 Eric Bambou
The Theban Plays Sophocles 46 2/11/02 Denny Gus's Place
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Haruki Murakami 47   Andy Tataki
Kim Rudyard Kipling 48 6/4/02 Larry Havoli
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 49 9/24/02 Ken Russian
Letters of Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh 50 1/28/03 Mario Le Petite Auberge
Dying Animal/American Pastoral Philip Roth 51 4/10/03 Randy Indian Pavilion
Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf 52 6/26/03 Louise  
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers 53 10/20/03 Lynn Lynn's House
Cold Mountain Charles Frazier 54 1/12/04 Ethan Tennessee Mountain Restaurant
Gravity's Rainbow Thomas Pynchon 55 4/19/04 Stanley Naniwa of Japan
Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 56 6/21/04 Larry Cafe Topsy
Bel Canto Ann Patchett 57 9/20/04 Francine Rossini's
The Sorrows of Young Werther Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 58 12/6/04 Ellen Silver Swan
Go Tell It On the Mountain James Baldwin 59 3/14/05 Bob The Pink Teacup
Tobacco Road Erskine Caldwell 60 5/31/05 Carey Brothers Barbeque
The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow 61 9/14/05 Patricia West Bank Cafe
Native Speaker Chang-Rae Lee 62 12/05/05 Eric Wild Ginger
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 63 Denny
Ali and Nino Kurban Said 64 5/22/06 Andy Dervish
Life of Samuel Johnson James Boswell 65 9/12/06 Ken The Landmark Tavern
Gilgamesh 66 11/29/06 Becky Pars
MountOlive Lawrence Durrell 67 2/28/2007 Mario Salam
The Wild Palms William Faulkner 68 5/8/2007 Lynn Voyage
Nana Emile Zola 69 9/19/2007 Louise La Bonne Soup
Great Expectations Charles Dickens 70 2/6/2008 Randy The Landmark Tavern
The Spoils of Poynton Henry James 71 4/23/2008 Alice Danal
Fathers and Sons Ivan Turgenov 72 7/16/2008 John Metro Marche
Brideshead Revisted Evelyn Waugh 73 10/15/2008 Stan Naniwa
For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway 74 1/15/2009 Larry Cafe Espanol
Babbitt Sinclair Lewis 75 4/1/2009 Bob Friends of a Farmer
The Charterhouse of Parma Stendhal 76 8/5/2009 Ellen Osso Buco
The Golden Bowl Henry James 77 12/15/2009 Patricia Punch
Howard's End E.M. Forster 78 3/17/2010 Carey La Carbonara
Look Homeward Angel Thomas Wolfe 79 6/30/2010 Eric Benjamin
Beware Of Pity Stefan Zweig 80 10/6/2010 Andy Blaue Gans
The Decameron Boccaccio 81 2/9/2011 Dennis Piadina
The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 82 5/11/2011 Larry Lima's Taste
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison 83 9/14/2011 Becky Pink Tea Cup
The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky 84 1/10/2012 Ken Nasha Rasha
The Diary of a Young Girl Ann Frank 85 3/13/2012 Mario Sarge's Deli
Stoner John Williams 86 6/12/2012 Lynn North Square
Tales of the Alhambra Washington Irving 87 9/12/2012 Louise Flor De Sol
Evidence of Things Unseen Marianne Wiggins 88 12/05/2012 Stanley Des Halles
Giant Edna Ferber 89 2/20/2013 Francine El Rio Grande
Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen 90 5/22/2013 Ellen Tir Na Nog
A Bend in the River V.S. Naipaul 91 9/11/2013 Bob Ponty Bistro
A Passage To India E.M. Forster 92 1/23/14 Carey Jackson Diner
Othello Shakespeare 93 3/25/14 Randy The Shakespeare
The Known World Edward Jones 94 6/24/14 Patricia Sarabeth
Selections from the Old and New Testament various 95 9/16/14 Eric Ilili
Le Grande Meaulnes Alain Fournier 96 12/9/14 Andy La Lunchonette
Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott 97 3/24/15 Dennis
Tristam Shandy Laurence Sterne 98 6/23/15 Alice Cock and Bull
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee 99 10/20/15 Mario Ken's Office
The Good Earth Pearl Buck 100 1/19/16 Becky Legend
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 101 6/7/16 Ken Lynn's house
Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 102 9/3/16 Larry Wilfie and Nell
Yacoubian Building Alaa Al Aswany 103 12/12/16 Lynn Lynn's house
White Noise Don DeLillo 104 3/7/17 Louise Freud's
Voyage Autour de ma Chambre Xavier de Maistre 105 6/26/17 Ellen Belle Epoque
1984 George Orwell 106 10/2/17 Bob GMT
The Sympathizer Viet Thanh Nyugen 107 1/8/18 Patricia TBD



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Last updated: December 28, 2017.